Saturday, November 15, 2008

What can YOU do?

In order to implement these changes in policy, we must acknowledge the varying groups that have impact on the policy’s full emersion into the community.

Individuals for example, (aka you and I), have a responsibility to take part in the discussion and implementation of the Age of Consent policy, in order that we do our part in promoting safe and responsible sex for the youth of our community.  We have a responsibility to be knowledgeable and educated individuals so that we can recognize situations where power or authority may be a concern with young adolescents.  We must also be knowledgeable so that we give adolescents the opportunity to decide for themselves what sexual activities they pursue.  When we are educated, our youth are educated, and as a community, we can encourage all people to act responsibly.

As individuals we have the opportunity to support the awareness campaign for the Age of Consent in a number of ways.  One method is to blog about the issue.  When blogging, we have the opportunity to network between varying groups and/or organizations who have the power/authority to educate about the policy.   Also when blogging, we are able to reach other individual bloggers, thereby raising awareness to other individuals by means of cyberspace.

We could also share our knowledge with local schools or the school board, community groups, religious groups, recreational leagues and the like.  As individuals, we have incredible power to educate and raise awareness simply by word-of-mouth. 

If we took the time to become educated ourselves, we can have incredible influence in gathering like-minded people to bring about awareness and change.

- A 

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