Penetration. Do I dare raise the issue as to where this penetration occurs and if it REALLY matters between two consenting partners? And what about lesbian sex where there may not be penetration?
If sexual intercourse by means of vaginal penetration or the vagina engulfing the penis, is allowed at 16 between consenting adults, not withstanding the exceptions to the rule, including exploitation, then what extra harm does anal penetration risk to youth? Or lesbian sexual experience with no penetration? L.T. examined the Age of Consent policy as it oppressed the LGBTQ community, and I’m wondering about the impact of this oppression.
Assume you are a youth of 16. You’re in a happy, healthy, relationship with your partner. After careful thought, you decide to have sex. If you have sexual intercourse (vagina & penis), you’re okay, although one of you (presumably the one with the vagina) may get pregnant. And both of you may get an STI or HIV. A lesbian couple also risks STIs and HIV if toys are not properly cleaned, or one partner is infected - although it is more difficult to transmit HIV. The Age of Consent policy doesn't speak to risks within a lesbian sexual relationship - it's not mentioned. Does this ommitance de-legitimize their sexual relationship? Perhaps it is assumed that only with penetration does the act of sex truly occur ??? A male gay couple is not even legally allowed to HAVE penetrative sex. Why? I couldn’t tell you - the policy doesn’t explain it. Admittedly there are risks, such as the tearing of the rectum that can cause serious damage – but is pregnancy or an STI such as herpes any worse? Is anal sex any more psychologically damaging than finding out you’re another teen pregnancy, or that you must live with an STI for the rest of your life?
I don’t get it. The age of consent for anal intercourse, unless it is an act engaged in, in private, between husband and wife, is 18.
I wonder what the impact would be on two young individuals who learn that they are unable to express themselves this way sexually because of a law that doesn’t quite make sense. AND it doesn't speak to lesbian sex. If the policy is going to discriminate against anal penetration between gay individuals, perhaps it should also discriminate against lesbian sex with toys!! The policy could read: The age of consent for sex toys, unless it is an act engaged in, in private, between husband and wife, is 18. That doesn't make any sense either. The policy shouldn't discriminate against anyone!! Penetration is penetration.
I would feel confused, frustrated, annoyed, and discriminated against. How come John and Jane can have penetrative intercourse at 16, but John and John can’t? Are the risks greater than one another? What about Jane and Jane who use toys for penetration and also share risks?
Is the policy not oppressing LGBTQ youth and their sexual expression, while allowing heterosexual youth to have sex as they please? I think so.
- A
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